Saturday, 5 July 2014

Things about Bartending that you Would not Know Until you are One

Bartending can really be a very exciting career option where you get to meet a lot of new people and actually enjoy your work. More than the salary, it would be the tips that would make you rich but it is not an easy thing to do. It is important to get trained so that you are hired in a good bar and there are many institutions that offer courses in bartending. But there are certain thing that only a bartender and a person who is behind the bar can tell you and they are:

. Time actually flies and you would not understand how your duty hours would come to an end. You definitely would be physically exhausted but your mind will be fresh.

. It would take you a while to adjust to the bar atmosphere in terms of standing for long hours. During the first few days, your legs would become sore and would pain like anything.

. Once you are behind the bar, you would feel many thirsty and greedy eyes on you.

. When it comes to customers, they usually do not tend to remember who you are and when they go to their spot in the bar, they talk to any bartender as if it is you.

. If you think that the bar is a very clean place to work in, you are wrong. It is dirty and it gets dirtier and stickier as the day goes but you will get adjusted to it and would not mind working there after a couple of hours.

. If you think that you will get to recipes of all fancy cocktails in your classes, you are wrong as most of the recipes you will learn after joining the bar.

. Drunken customers can be cute and they can be annoying as well.

Bartending can be fun as long you can tolerate all these.

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